Class Schedule – summer semester 2024/2025
Module | Group 1, 2 |
Introduction to the course 2pts | 10. 2., 12.2. |
M1, M2 2pts | 17. 2., 19.2. |
M3, M4 3pts | 24. 2., 26.2. |
M5-8 2pts | 3. 3., 5.3. |
M9-12, M24 2pts | 10. 3., 12.3. |
Gen (Jakub Kroustek) 3pts | all groups 19.3. |
M13-17 2pts | 24. 3., 26.3. |
M18-20 2pts | 31. 3., 2.4. |
M21-23 2pts | 7. 4., 9.4. |
NUKIB 3pts | all groups 16.4. |
M25-27 2pts | 23. 4. |
M28 3pts | 28. 4., 30.4. |
Skills + Final | 5. 5., 7.5. |
Challenge Lab
All submissions must be done via Central Information System as well as email by deadline. Later submission will not be accepted
Challenge Lab (Vladimir Vesely, Viliam Letavay)
- assignment 25th March 2024
- deadline 15th April 2024
Important course links
- Official course annotation https://www.fit.vut.cz/study/course/CSOa/.cs
- Laboratory room Cisco, C304
- Terms:
- Group 1 (native FIT students) – every Monday from 8:00 to 12:00
- Group 2 (non-native FIT students, i.e., Erasmus visitors or students from other faculties) – every Wednesday from 08:00 to 12:00
- active participation in laboratory exercises (max. 26 points)
- one/two challenge lab(s) (max. 30 points)
- final configuration practice test and test on theoretical skills (max. 44 as 34+10 points)
In order to pass this course, you need to:
- participate in 80%+ of laboratory exercises, i.e., be present at least in 6 of 12 laboratory exercises
- get at least half of the points from each classification activity, i.e., laboratory exercises, challenge labs, theoretical, final practice)
In order to obtain official Cisco Certificate of Course Completation, you need to achieve at least 80% from all assessments.
There is no way how to substitute missing class.
Official slides
- Module 1: The Danger
- Module 2: Fighters in the War Against Cybercrime
- Module 3: The Windows Operating System
- Module 4: Linux Overview
- Module 5: Network Protocols
- Module 6: Ethernet and Internet Protocol
- Module 7: Connectivity Verification
- Module 8: Address Resolution Protocol
- Module 9: The Transport Layer
- Module 10: Network Services
- Module 11: Network Communication Devices
- Module 12: Network Security Infrastructure
- Module 13: Attackers and Their Tools
- Module 14: Common Threats and Attacks
- Module 15: Network Monitoring and Tools
- Module 16: Attacking the Foundation
- Module 17:Attacking What We Do
- Module 18: Understanding Defense
- Module 19: Access Control
- Module 20: Threat Intelligence
- Module 21: Cryptography
- Module 22: Endpoint Protection
- Module 23: Endpoint Vulnerability Assessment
- Module 24: Technologies and Protocols
- Module 25: Network Security Data
- Module 26: Evaluating Alerts
- Module 27: Working with Network Security Data
- Module 28: Digital Forensics and Incident Analysis and Response
Lab Materials
Our slidedecks